Stephen Colbert – The Delicate Art of Satire in This Modern World


"Do you think it's too much," he asked? "Is what too much," the producer replied, without looking up from his clipboard. "All this. the backdrop, the desk, the music. Don't you think we're getting to a point, possibly, where no one will take us seriously?" The producer, annoyed, looked up from the clipboard. "Well sir, we're more popular than we've ever been. The set, the music, this persona we've created, they all help the audience connect with you. Who cares if they take you seriously? We just want them to watch. Now sit please, we're on in 30." A little dejected, he sat at the desk and waited while the producer ran through the checklist.
"Cue Lights!"
"Cue American Flag Background!"
"Cue American Flag LCD Left!"
"Cue American Flag LCD Right!"
"Cue Desk American Flag LCD!"
"Cue Background Trumpets!"
"Cue National Anthem!"
"Cue Eagles!"
"Teleprompter Up!"
"Ok Mr. O'Reilly, we're live in three.. two.. one…"